What it’s like to fly bankrupt Hong Kong Airlines
Back in 2019 we booked a flight on Hong Kong Airlines to the Maldives via Hong Kong on an EPIC saver deal! What we didn’t know was that they were going totally bankrupt! In this video, we’ll show you what it’s like to fly and airline that’s literally closing up shop as we board the plane!
Interestingly enough, the planes themselves and the service we received from staff was pretty amazing! The seats were comfortable and new and the entertainment system looked great- only problem…they cancelled their entertainment contracts so thank god for Netflix downloads, am I right??
Our flight changed what felt like a million times and we were terrified that they would cancel altogether! All we cared about was making it to our final destination and thank goodness we did!

Articles to read
Looking for a place to stay in Hong Kong? Check out our review of the Island Shangri-La.
Overall, we had a surprisingly pleasant experience once we were actually on the planes: the flights were not totally full and we were able to actually get to Hong Kong and the Maldives without major issues!
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